Saturday, April 27, 2019

Research Paper Why Gay Marriage should be banned Moral Argument Essay

Research Paper Why Gay spousals should be banned Moral Argument - Essay Examplesary in this conflict is a brisk arsenal of weaponry one which neither relies upon the rejection of natural righteousness nor upon steadfast religious conservatism. The problem regarding the last mentioned is that it can non provide the justification needed, in argument, to prove the incorrectness of the opposite sides view. That is, religious arguments against same-sex wedlock are mere opinion, or, as Plato called it doxa (Bourdieu). The problem regarding the formera rejection of natural lawfulness willing be dealt with later on. So, instead of relying on old and tried arguments, this discussion will hope to achieve consensus with a new account of why such marriage rites are morally reprehensiblean account which does not rely on any theological groundwork. The hope will be to use a possible action of natural law, one which dates back over two millennia, to prove that there is no natural integrity inherent in same-sex marriage. This entails a detailed examination of reality to determine the metaphysical truth on which we will ground moral claims and establish them as irrefutable. In the end, it shall be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that same-sex marriage violates natural lawa moral theory based on the dictates of realityand must not be allowed.Firstly, however, an account of the natural law tradition is necessary. Natural law theory, indeed, has been labeled on a variety of theories of civil law, theories of morality (both religious and secular), and theories of politics. The focus here, of course, will be on natural law theories of secular ethics, and although the discussion will involve St. Thomas Aquinas, no(prenominal) of Aquinas metaphysical (or theological) views shall be considered. Knowing this, the thesis of natural law theory in ethics is that natural law makes the foundational principles of practical rationality for mankind, and it possesses such status by na ture. The thought that natural law creates the foundational principles of practical rationality implies that

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